Dr Bharat (Ben) Shenoy

Ben is a hybrid: a psychologist and an engineer; a teacher and a writer; a behavioural researcher and a management advisor. His exposure to a diverse blend of both research and practice informs his perspective on how people - and the organizations within which they work - behave.

Ben holds a PhD in Organizational Behaviour & Social Psychology from the Harvard Business School. He has taught a variety of courses on organizational change, leadership, senior teams and decision-making at the Business School, Kennedy School of Government and Psychology Department at Harvard University.

Ben has been involved in several organizational change initiatives, working with senior teams to formulate strategy, implement change and monitor resultant performance. He gained over a dozen years' experience as a consultant with KPMG and Ernst & Young, focusing particularly on energy, telecommunications and media companies. Before starting his PhD, Ben was a Principal in E&Y's Strategy Consulting Practice, as well as an Account Director in charge of E&Y's account with BP's corporate centre (BP as a whole grew to become E&Y's largest global consultancy account). Other clients he has served include the BBC, BT, E.ON, IBM, cCann-Erickson, Pearson, Reed Elsevier and Unilever.

In addition to his doctorate, Ben holds Masters degrees in systems engineering (from Cambridge University), business administration (from London Business School) and social psychology (from Harvard University).